Whitten Method
Bringing Precision to HealingThe basis for the Whitten Method is a simple premise:
The body’s intelligence knows exactly what it needs to heal physically and emotionally.The job of the practitioner is thus to learn how to listen to what the body is requesting and deliver the therapies as precisely as possible. When this process is perfected, the body-mind functions incredibly efficiently and is able not only to heal itself but also reconnect to its potential to be creative, happy, and deeply relaxed.
Muscle testing is a way to listen to the innate intelligence of either yourself or another person. It's a feedback system; a tool for accessing intuitive information. Some see it as a way to receive the requests that the body is transmitting. Whitten Method courses first teach you how to muscle test in the proper way.

Once you know how to get yes/no answers from the body (this takes some time to perfect), you can apply the technique to correcting structural, biochemical, and energetic imbalances. The muscle testing will guide you, through a simple flow chart, to the source of the issue and the therapies needed to correct it. This work seeks to return us to low-tech healing. No gadgets, computers, or machines other than our own hands and our ability to trust our muscle testing guidance.
This is the biggest challenge for most adults, as we have lost confidence in ourselves. We often look for an authority or computer to validate our findings. This then becomes a healing journey for us as practitioners as well, as we learn to trust our own authority.

About Whitten Method Basic Series
Originally the work was taught as a 4-day course broken into 3 Modules. Now, as a virtual course, you can learn the material at your own pace and review as needed.Module 1: Structural
Basic SeriesModule 2: Biochemical
Basic SeriesModule 3: Energetic
Basic SeriesModule Three involves correcting energetic disturbances: stress, trauma, core emotional issues, and limiting beliefs. It is the most advanced system for healing subtle energetic issues. You learn to evaluate the location of an energetic stressor and find the optimal modality for canceling the vibrational disturbance permanently.
5-Week Zoom Class
Enrollment Now Open!Class starts May 1, 2024.
We also offer two very affordable online courses (5 weeks each) which meet weekly for an hour on Zoom. This is mainly for people who are looking to use muscle testing for personal use and self-healing. It is also for new practitioners who need to improve their confidence in their testing. In this course I offer a simple system for tracking and clearing energetic issues such as lack of confidence and any other issue that may be holding you back from having the success in muscle testing or any area of your life. We also address lifestyle questions: diet, exercise, sleep issues and many other useful applications for muscle testing. It’s a great way to get started and expand your use of muscle testing.