5-Week Zoom Class
No Upcoming Courses.See below to learn at your own pace!
Cost: $247
This class is mainly for people who are looking to use muscle testing for personal use and self-healing. It is also for new practitioners who need to improve their confidence in their testing. In this course I offer a simple system for tracking and clearing energetic issues such as lack of confidence and any other issue that may be holding you back from having the success in muscle testing or any area of your life. We also address lifestyle questions: diet, exercise, sleep issues and many other useful applications for muscle testing. It’s a great way to get started and expand your use of muscle testing.
We offer two time options: 11am PST and 5pm PST. Class recordings will be available for one week if you're unable to attend one of the classes. Spaces are limited to 20 persons per time slot.
Class Schedule for [Date TBA] (1 hour weekly)
Session 1: TBA
Session 2: TBA
Session 3: TBA
Session 4: TBA
Session 5: TBA
NOTE: If the next course date has not been announced yet, you can still sign up below to take the course at your own pace! I will email you the video recordings. This also includes a one-hour private virtual coaching session with me, where I will answer any questions you may have.