Frequently Asked QuestionsYou may be able to claim CE hours towards your massage license. You will get a certificate of completion so check with your licensing board.
You can take whichever modules you like. Module one teaches the correct way to muscle test so it is important. As a holistic practitioner I treat the body structurally, chemically and energetically. The system is designed to be a complete healing system but you can certainly learn the aspects that interest you.
Yes. You will have access to a file with the course notes.
No. Some of my best students came in with no experience and picked it up quickly. The only requirement for success is a sincere desire to learn the work and a willingness to practice it daily.
There are dozens of muscle testing techniques. All are incomplete to a greater or lesser extent. Many deal only with testing supplements. Some try to clear emotional issues but don’t resolve the problems very deeply. Some are overly-simplistic and put the body into an “adaptive state” instead of a healed state. Some are so complex they take years to learn. In all my years looking at different systems I never found a complete technique that addressed all aspects of the human condition and allowed the body to direct the practitioner to the therapies needed by the patient.
The Whitten Method treats people (and animals), not diseases. It is designed to put the body into a state of maximum efficiency and ease so the body has the best chance to repair itself.
I live in Ventura, CA and see patients there as well as in Santa Barbara. Sessions are also available online.
With daily practice, most students have felt confident and proficient within 6 months.